Anna Wendynska

Specjalista ds. komunikacji at MESKO S.A. - Skarżysko-Kamienna, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, Poland

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Skarżysko-Kamienna, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, Poland • 87 Employees
Defense & Space

MESKO's main task is to supply with an increasingly modern and high quality ammunition and rockets the Polish Armed Forces and other bodies responsible for national security by implementing the most advanced technologies.Integrated management system operates in our company complying with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, PN-N 18001:2004, AQAP 2110:2009 and requirements of the Act of 29 November 2000 determining the supervisory manner and procedures on international trade in "strategic importance products".Mesko S.A. with its headquarters in Skarżysko – Kamienna has started to operate in 1924, initially as National Ammunition Factory. Celebrating its 90 years of existence/ presence, MESKO S.A. is leading manufacturer of Ammunition- Rocket Group, which was established within Polish Defense Industry consolidation. The group is composed of Dezamet S.A., ZCh Nitro-Chem S.A.,BZE Belma S.A., Gamrat Sp. z o.o. and other former companies, which were incorporated and now they are branches of Mesko S.A. - WSK Warszawa II, ZM Kraśnik, FPS Bolechowo and ZPS Pionki. The company is the producer of world-class products and assemblies for ammunition and rockets used by Polish Armed Forces and entities responsible for national security and eligible supplier for NATO troops. The company has also the most modern demilitarization facilities in Europe.

Details about MESKO S.A.
Frequently Asked Questions about Anna Wendynska
Anna Wendynska currently works for MESKO S.A..
Anna Wendynska's role at MESKO S.A. is Specjalista ds. komunikacji.
Anna Wendynska's email address is *** To view Anna Wendynska's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Anna Wendynska works in the Defense & Space industry.
Anna Wendynska's colleagues at MESKO S.A. are Sebastian Wozniak, Grzegorz Kosierkiewicz, Karol Lech, Anna Kopcinska-Wielgus, Jacek Dudek, Magdalena Kuziel and others.
Anna Wendynska's phone number is
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