Annaliese Langbeen

Campus Life Coordinator at Madonna University - Livonia, Michigan, US

Annaliese Langbeen's Contact Details
(734) 432-5300
Madonna University
Annaliese Langbeen's Company Details
Madonna University logo, Madonna University contact details

Madonna University

Livonia, Michigan, US • 1023 Employees

Madonna University is one of the nation’s largest Franciscan universities with a combined undergraduate and graduate student body of approximately 2,000 students. Madonna University exemplifies the fine tradition of Catholic and Franciscan scholarship that has contributed significantly to the intellectual and professional development in our society. With alumni on every continent except Antarctica, Madonna University graduates apply their knowledge and skills in meaningful service around the world — improving the lives of others, while excelling in their own professions.

Catholic Education Higher Education Liberal Arts Undergraduate Graduate Studies Franciscan Education Professional Studies Programs Continuing Education Online Learning Distance Learning
Details about Madonna University
Frequently Asked Questions about Annaliese Langbeen
Annaliese Langbeen currently works for Madonna University.
Annaliese Langbeen's role at Madonna University is Campus Life Coordinator.
Annaliese Langbeen's email address is *** To view Annaliese Langbeen's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Annaliese Langbeen works in the College/University industry.
Annaliese Langbeen's colleagues at Madonna University are NOAH CAMPBELL, Anas Elghonimy, Ron Desrosiers, Diana Wilcox, Andrea Jimenez, Gina Dossantos, Connor Carrigan and others.
Annaliese Langbeen's phone number is (734) 432-5300
See more information about Annaliese Langbeen