More organizations than ever before require funds to operate, to expand, and to deliver impactful programming to the people who need assistance the most. Advances in social, mobile and location-based technology allow groups to organize, communicate and participate in revolutionary ways, such as bridging the gap between fundraising causes, social networks and retail businesses.\\Collectives empower social concerns (causes). These groups can influence behavior and drive traffic, individually and collectively.\\Check-in for Good is a fundraising and awareness service for causes and a traffic driver to retail businesses. It is a location-based mobile solution connecting individuals and their social networks with companies in order to (1) simplify cause fundraising and (2) generate new customers for local businesses.\\Check-in for Good is a system of online and mobile tools that leverages the power of groups through emerging mobile, social and location-based technology. The system services three actor types, businesses, causes and individuals, and does so with the following goals in mind: \\Businesses: Goal is to gain new customers and a turnkey social marketing system. \\Causes: Goal is to generate new and sustained funds and awareness.\\Individuals: Goal is to allow people to support the causes important to them, the businesses who support their local causes and to help them save money.