Managing money should be safe and easy, no matter where you are or who you bank with. Poised as the solution to multiple logins, expensive transfers, and disparate user experiences across financial institution apps, BankShift puts it all together while protecting data and privacy.With BankShift, people login to one application to manage their financial and coinbase accounts through a secure, clean, efficient interface. BankShift gets to know each consumer through deep security protocols, government Identification and biometrics. This safely enables money movement among real people.You may not need another Bank account, just a different experience. Connect your existing banks, credit cards, loans, investments and coinbase accounts. Start saving money by finding better terms and gain credit visibility. We're your friendly neighborhood fintech app, where we only leverage financial data for the benefit of the consumer.BankShift is also unwed to a financial institution or competitive banking aspirations. This allows community banks, credit unions and businesses to benefit from brand prominence, product advertising and product bundling, in a changing economy.Download BankShift from the Apple app store for a free trial.