Often all you need is a fresh pair of eyes or an experienced pair of hands to improve aspects of your business. You may be wanting to grow sales, be more efficient, or are wondering whether you could be doing things better. We can help.Lofts Consulting brings business development, performance improvement and general management experience from across New Zealand, Europe and Asia, enabling us to take a deeper and broader view of the levers that impact business success (or result in failure). Our engagement model is ideal for businesses wanting access to experienced advisors on an ad hoc basis. We focus on:• what you value most - developing tailored approaches with tangible outcomes, timelines and budgets • long term sustainability – we'll look for ways to upskill and leverage talented people in your business and existing partnerships.Whether it's help setting a strategy, executing specific projects, or access to an experienced mentor we can provide practical advice, coaching and if needed, hands-on support to make it happen. Improving business performance• Sales culture change • Integrating BD, marketing and client experience• Organisation reviews / post-merger integration • Interim management or project leadership• Employee engagement and communicationBusiness development ‘essentials'• Business development activity review • Proposal process and coaching • Client insights & experience • Key account management • CRM & pipeline management• Business analytics and reporting• Competitor research • Bespoke training and development Our sector expertise• Professional services• Telecommunications• Energy• Retail• Financial services• Advertising / agencies• Automotive• Not for profitIf you're wanting to optimise your business performance and would like to know more, please get in touch.