Biopath is a leading provider of diagnostic testing based in France. It operates 32 laboratories in Ile-de-France in several departments (75, 94, 93, 77, 91) .Biopath has positioned its activities in two strategic areas :- A biology service to the private hospital- A biology service for outpatients.The technical organization is centralized around two main technical platforms (94 ) and 3 side tables (Paris (75); Yerres (91) and Aubervilliers (93) ) .We are engaged in a voluntary quality approach since 2008, according to ISO 15189, and have achieved recognition in this area through the accreditation No. 8-3067 issued by COFRAC.The field of activity covered by accreditation, in terms of sites and services, is clearly defined in the scope of accreditation No. 8-3067 available on the site.The certificate issued is evidence of the proper functioning of the quality and technical competence of the laboratory management system.A team of 400 professionals working every day to ensure the quality and performance of analyzes and satisfy our patients and correspondents.