Certified Practicing Accountant at LBW Business + Wealth Advisors - Geelong West, VIC, AU
LBW Business + Wealth Advisors, ranked in the top 100 accounting firms in Australia by BRW for the past two years, has serviced our business, audit, taxation and financial planning clients for over 30 years. As a firm we acknowledge that we have an obligation to serve our clients and our profession. To fulfil these obligations is the primary goal of our firm. We see these obligations also as challenges to us to do the quality work that is expected of all professionals to: * provide excellent personal service to our clients in all areas appropriate for the accounting profession.* assure excellence in client service through maintaining the highest level of competence, independence and integrity within the firm.* be involved and contribute to the advancement of the accounting profession and our community.* provide within the firm the opportunity for personal and professional advancement, growth in skills and personal inter-relationships, and rewarding work experiences.* expand our scope of service and circle of clientele by developing and improving special skills and expertise.We seek to provide this service by making available to each client the full extent of our professional capabilities, in order to meet their varying needs on a timely basis. In seeking to provide excellent professional service to each client, we approach each engagement, large or small.