We are the Institute for Mind Body Therapy (IMBT). We believe in the power of touch therapy to heal the mind, body and spirit and we are bridging the gap between talk and touch therapy. * What we do *We support and train talk professionals and touch professionals to effectively work together to provide healing services to their clients.You're in the right place if you're a talking professional:* Psychotherapist* Counselor* Sex Therapist* Sex Coach* MFT* Medical professionalOr if you're a touch professional:* Surrogate Partner Therapist* Sexological Bodyworker* Massage Therapist* Tantric Energy Practitioner* Any other bodywork professionalWe teach bodywork professionals who have already been certified in their professions to interact cooperatively with psychotherapists to expand their client base and to create a bridge between those who heal the mind and those who heal the body. Our goal is to train talk only clinicians (therapists, psychologists, MFT's, sex therapists, medical professionals and counselors) how to work effectively with a broad range of somatic professionals.Bodywork professionals are healers of the body much like psychotherapists are healers of the mind. Both aspects are equally important in helping many individuals attain wholeness and fulfillment in their relationships, starting with the most important one: themselves.Founded by Dr. Susan Kaye.