My Spot Summary: My Spot will allow customers to order and pay for drinks/food via their mobile device. We have a software solution that will acknowledge customer orders and allow a closer interaction between a venue and its customers. My Spot Details: My Spot will ensure that a customer's time is not wasted waiting in line to be served. My Spot will allow a venue to accept multiple orders at the same time. It will also allow venues to push bin end stock in an instance, and make money from it, instead of writing it off as wastage, or having it as dead stock money. It will also allow a venue to push instant special deals to patrons at any given time, getting their staff working and their bank balance growing. My Spot will give an enhanced customer service by creating the opportunity for fast delivery of drinks/food direct to the customer. It will also enhance productivity of bar staff by introducing customer collection points. We are looking to work together with any venue to make the product work for you.