A project bench maintained by project practitioners. Provided on a transparent open-book rate model.Open-book rates.Fixed Margins.No rate gouging.No funny business.Run by project practitioners.Why? We believe there should be greater value and transparency when a contractor works at the sole direction of the client. Too often, clients are over-charged and contractors are left feeling short-changed. Clients know what contractors earn and contractors know what they are billed out at. It's about being the most transparent and keeping a bench of top project professionals.Perhaps most importantly, by keeping our commercial model simple our focus is squarely on maintaining the best project bench. Availability to individuals with the right skills at the right time is more important than ever.We rely almost entirely on industry referrals. We know every top project expert has a handful of people that they would strongly recommend. They're the people we seek to meet, assess and have available for clients on The Project Bench.