Senvol provides data to help companies implement additive manufacturing (AM).Senvol's various products allow companies to access AM data, generate AM data, and analyze AM data.Senvol Database: First and most comprehensive database of industrial AM machines and materials. Contains spec-sheet data provided by machine manufacturers and material suppliers.Senvol API: Provides access to the Senvol Database raw data and is indispensable for any AM-related software.Senvol Indexes: Pedigreed data sets for AM material characterization. All Senvol Indexes include test specimen properties, and their associated process parameters and feedstock characteristics. All Senvol Index data is developed by Senvol.Senvol SOP: A standard operating procedure that details how to generate pedigreed AM data. The 100+ page manual is used by organizations to ensure that every data generation project follows a standard procedure.Senvol ML: A software suite that helps companies quickly characterize or qualify AM materials and processes. Senvol ML includes data-driven machine learning algorithms that analyze the relationships between AM process parameters and material performance.Senvol Services: The consulting division of Senvol. Senvol Services provides both business and technical expertise in AM, with a particular focus on projects that are data-related.Senvol's products and services have been used by a variety of Fortune 500 companies and government agencies in industries such as aerospace, oil & gas, consumer products, and automotive. Senvol's executives have been published in various additive manufacturing industry journals and have been featured speakers at numerous industry conferences. Senvol is a Gold Member of America Makes. Senvol is also a member of the ASTM F42 and SAE AMS committees, which set standards for the AM industry.