SOLID SOURCING SOLUTIONS AT THE RIGHT PRICEVisit our website to get free quotes for product manufacturing from China, India & Eastern Europe.Sourcing Allies help you manufacture and source in China and other low-cost countries and get you the right price, quality and lead time. Our expertise is diecasting, plastic injection moulding, metal stamping, and other industrial goods. WE LOVE FINDING YOU A BETTER PRICEFor over 12 years we've helped customers manufacture and source in China, India and Eastern Europe. We guide you through the process of getting quotes, evaluate factories, manage the complexities of manufacturing, shipping & transportation, administration and most of all ensure the goods arrive at your desired location. All this with the right price, quality and lead time.OUR EXPERTISE We are experts in die casting, plastic injection moulding, metal stamping and other manufacturing processes for metals and plastics. GOING BEYOND We understand your core goal. Getting exactly what you asked for, in time and at the right price.Sourcing ready-made products in Asia and China can be a minefield with endless options, like Alibaba and Made-in-China, which can vary from direct-to-source to those that tell you they are the source but in reality are simply an office with no real connection to the manufacturer trying to make a quick buck as the middle man while taking no responsibility of quality.WE ARE YOUR LOCAL OFFICE IN CHINA As a multicultural team consisting of British, American and Swedish expats living in China for years, we work closely with our Chinese colleagues to ensure the successful delivery of your products.Our team consistently does quality inspections and speaks directly to the workers making your product, to ensure they understand your expectations and the level of quality that you want.We are your China manufacturing sourcing agent.