Annielou Landino

Project Coordinator at Process Plant Computing Limited (PPCL) - Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom

Annielou Landino's Contact Details
["+44 1753 893090","977 1 525 1003","+44 1753 893 090"]
Hamden,Connecticut,United States
Process Plant Computing Limited (PPCL)
Annielou Landino's Company Details
Process Plant Computing Limited (PPCL) logo, Process Plant Computing Limited (PPCL) contact details

Process Plant Computing Limited (PPCL)

Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom • 1 - 10 Employees
Information Technology and Services

We work at the advanced end of computer science and chemical engineering. We want to make it easier for our customers to solve problems they cannot address today and improve their business. We do this by providing visualization applications and services that turn data into actionable insights. Today's problem - you collect lots of data to help improve your operation. But no one tool combines all your variables in a straightforward way, so improvement gains are limited. The solution - Geometric Process Control technology allows you to understand your entire operation by showing how over 1,000 variables behave in one interactive visualization. It has historic and predictive capabilities. You can solve the most challenging problems in process plants today and get your process working perfectly all of the time.+ Rationalize and manage alarms+ Debottleneck processes+ Increase throughput+ Ensure yields and batches are right first time+ Predict equipment faults+ Reduce energy consumption and carbon footprints Benefits of Geometric Process Control technology...+ Setup in minutes, applications can be used by anyone as they require no maths+ Solve problems and identify actionable insights you never knew of+ Predict issues before they occur and act to stop them happening+ Work quicker and simpler, so you save time and money+ Increase quality, output and reliabilityVisit to find out more.

Details about Process Plant Computing Limited (PPCL)
Frequently Asked Questions about Annielou Landino
Annielou Landino currently works for Process Plant Computing Limited (PPCL).
Annielou Landino's role at Process Plant Computing Limited (PPCL) is Project Coordinator.
Annielou Landino's email address is *** To view Annielou Landino's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Annielou Landino works in the Information Technology & Services industry.
Annielou Landino's colleagues at Process Plant Computing Limited (PPCL) are Robin Brooks, Alan Mahoney, Evan Moir, Hunter Weatherly and others.
Annielou Landino's phone number is ["+44 1753 893090","977 1 525 1003","+44 1753 893 090"]
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