Member at rokda- FIC,DCAC at Rokda - The Finance and Investment Cell, DCAC - New Delhi, Delhi, India
ROKDA the Finance & Investment Cell, Delhi College of Arts and Commerce is one of the more renowned societies – not just within the college but across the University of Delhi. The cell believes in spreading knowledge regarding the finance sector of our economy amongst interested individuals through a simple and comprehensive manner.Rokda is a student to student initiative, wherein the cell organises barter of finance knowledge through workshops and also offline and online competitions of various kinds on a pan university-cum-National scale. FIC is a very member oriented society, distinctively setting its priorities as learning through application of knowledge and participation in competitions.The Mission is to:1. To encourage learning beyond academics & give a global perspective on investment markets and asset classes, seeking to change the landscape of financial analysis and economic thinking.2. To create an environment conducive to continuous intellectual development of students through regular seminars, group discussions, debates, presentations and events. 3. A platform for students, not only from the commerce background, to gain insights into the world of current affairs , financial activities, investment decisions and world crisis etc.4. To build a professional culture and impart practical knowledge on the processes and mechanics in the relative field of work.