Student at Ganpat University - V M Patel Institute of Management - Mehsana, Gujarat, India
V.M Patel Institute of Management is established with a mission to provide excellent professional education in the field of management to young boys and girls anticipating the need of business in the 21st century and recognizing the imperatives of globalization.The institute offers MBA programme approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Faculty of Management Studies, Ganpat University.V.M.P.I.M. believes in "competitiveness through competence". We have developed very good infrastructure for learning . Teaching through audio visual aids is inevitable. Experienced faculty in each subject and regular visiting faculties from other leading institutions and also from industry.Thrust on giving exposure to students of real life business situation by calling on regular basis Guest Faculties from Industry and practicising professionals like C.As, Cost Accountants, Company Secretaries, Technocrats and Consultants.