Established for over 30 years BI-SEAL are the only significant Australian based manufacturer of high end Knife Gate/Slurry Valves for the Mining Industry. Bi-SEAL's thorough knowledge of materials, mining processes and innovative thinking are utilised in the design and manufacturing process. BI-SEAL design and assemble Knife Gate Valves in house. BI-SEAL have a strong network of Australian suppliers and generally BI-SEAL don't rely on long lead times from overseas suppliers.BI-SEAL have the knowledge to quickly tailor a solution and are known for their innovative solutions to clients problems.BI-SEAL knife gate valves are typically used in the most severe processes such as :* High pressure acid leach. * Phosphoric acid production.* Carbon in leach.* Carbon in pulp. * Carbon in CIL. * CCD circuits. * Floatation circuits. * Cyclone isolation.