AVTranz, headquartered in Phoenix, with offices in Tucson and Denver, was established in 1991 and is the leading provider of verbatim transcription and electronic reporting services in the U.S. Southwest. Since its inception, AVTranz has subscribed to the principle that its clients are best served through a broad-base of electronic reporting and transcription knowledge. Over the years, AVTranz has developed an expertise in reporting and transcribing state and federal criminal and civil court proceedings, complex litigation proceedings, military disciplinary proceedings, arbitration, grievance hearings, and administrative proceedings including public hearings, board and committee meetings, and industrial claims proceedings. The company and its management have been leaders in helping courts and government agencies transition from stenographic court reporting and cassette tape recording to digital audio and video recording solutions. Now that the courts are facing the most challenging budgets in decades, those that invested in digital recording are well positioned to save significant budget dollars while improving the service offered to the legal community and the public. AVTranz is committed to support this effort. Courts and law firms can now leverage technological advancements in digital recording to save considerable time and money. AVTranz is uniquely positioned and qualified to provide the support courts and law firms need to achieve these savings. AVTranz can also provide E-Reporting services for your arbitration, mediation, interview or deposition. A professional certified E-Reporter will capture a record of your proceeding with a high quality portable digital recording system. A verbatim transcript can be prepared in any of the above turnaround times.