Boema S.p.A. borned in the 1979 and during the years emerged as a leader company in designing and manifacturing machines and plants for the food industry. What has allowed Boema to became a leading partner in the food industry surely is attributable to its continous upgrade on customer requirements and to its capacity to develop the designing and manufacturing techniques. Thank to this Boema S.p.A. has earned an excellent reputation for quality and reliability of its products made by dozens of references testified Italian and foreign industries. To date, the company works with about 120 employees, mainly specialized in the design, production and installation of machinery and equipment for the food processing industry. Boema has two productive sites in Neive (CN), operating with a total area of approximately 9,000 m2 of covered area. Boema S.p.A. transferred with effect from January 1st 2024 its own company complex to the newly-estabilished Boema Food Processing Technology S.r.l., also known as Boema FPT S.r.l.