The FGA Group is a Federal Government Affairs firm that works with, and on behalf of, its clients to protect and advance their federal interests in Washington, DC. Whether its working with Members of Congress, congressional committees, or senior executive branch officials in the White House or Cabinet Departments, The FGA Group has the experience and know-how to make the machinery of government work for clients. In the current federal government era, when the President and the Congress have embraced an historically ambitious agenda to tackle an unprecedented number of major issues and reforms, virtually every segment of our society is impacted by federal legislation, policies, and regulations. And with the federal government spending unprecedented amounts of federal funds -- literally $800-plus billion on the 2009 economic stimulus program, for example -- hosts of private sector and non-federal institutions have opportunities never before available to gain access to federal dollars for important projects and causes. You cannot protect or advance your interests, or gain access to federal funding opportunities, however, if you do not engage with the key congressional and executive branch officials that are the decision makers affecting your bottom line. The FGA Group is able to provide you with the means, as your representative and advocate in Washington, DC, to constructively and astutely engage these key congressional and executive branch officials that affect your operations. The FGA Group has the experience, know-how, and judgment necessary to identify the key to attaining your federal objectives and to hit your strategic federal targets squarely in the center!