46brooklyn Research is an Ohio non-profit corporation whose purpose is to improve the accessibility and usability of U.S. drug pricing data. 46brooklyn takes the myriad drug pricing data sources scattered across the web and stitches them together into data visualizations that can be used by the public to better understand how the drug supply chain functions. 46brooklyn also writes and publishes original research that uses the data within its public data visualizations to shine light on the hidden and complex underbelly of the drug supply chain. At 46brooklyn, we believe the rampant complexity that is characteristic of how our drugs are priced is creating serious consequences for payers, patients, and providers across this country. Our purpose is to unlock the value buried in our country's vast but disparate drug pricing databases to bring awareness to the nature and design of this complexity. Our hope is that better awareness and education will help improve the accountability of our supply chain and, in time, lead to the much-needed simplification of how drugs are priced.46brooklyn Research (EIN #83-3213092) is an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) Public Charity, and all monetary donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by tax laws. Please check with your financial advisor if you have more questions.