Director general at REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico) - Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
The REDIB is a platform for aggregating scientific and academic content in electronic formats produced in the Ibero-American space. The REDIB has a clear purpose: promoting technological innovation in publishing-output tools, or related to it in a broader and geographically non-restrictive cultural and social sense. These provide access to, and facilitate the dissemination and implementation of scientific work done in the countries where it operates, particularly in the various languages belonging to them. The recipients of this information are both the academic community and society at large, as well as those responsible for scientific policy, and those who put it into practice and analyse it. The Internet ensures this information has global reach.The REDIB uses a single portal to give users direct access to scientific and academic documents of confirmed quality, put out by publishers and other producers of scientific and academic content in Ibero-American countries or relating to Ibero-American issues, either geographically or culturally.As managers, first evaluators and disseminators of scientific work, scientific publishers represent the key element of and participant in the platform. As a consequence of playing this leading role, the REDIB provides users with direct and transparent access to the content put out by the publisher on its original site, respecting and highlighting its identity. At the same time, the REDIB aims to promote modernisation and the implementation of new publishing technologies, providing information, support and a meeting place for publishers to exchange experiences and knowledge directly.The REDIB wants to stand out for a philosophy of cooperative work: access to content in the place it was originally produced, publishers working together voluntarily, and transparency in the process of communication between information users and producers.