KamiLimu's vision is to be a premier program that upskills tech-aligned university students in order to foster their global competitiveness.At least 60 - 80 percent of university students do not receive any mentorship outside the classroom. While many factors contribute to quality education, student-driven mentorship that complements classroom learning is key to equipping students with crucial skills that may not be taught in the classroom but are necessary for their personal development, professional success, research-driven innovations, scholarship achievements, and community involvement.KamiLimu is a free 8-month structured mentorship program that seeks to augment classroom learning for tech-aligned students at Kenyan universities. 'KamiLimu' is derived from two Swahili words. ‘Kamili' which means ‘complete' or ‘whole', and ‘Elimu', which we contracted to ‘Limu' that means ‘education'.