Anup Singh

IT Support Technician at Vakils Premedia - N/A, N/A, IN

Anup Singh's Contact Details
Vakils Premedia
Anup Singh's Company Details
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Vakils Premedia

N/A, N/A, IN • 100 - 249 Employees
Printing Services

Vakils is a marketing communications development business that operates in Digital Media, Packaging Artwork, Regulatory Services, and Financial Reporting. We leverage the latest technologies in order to deliver value via seamless and reliable processes, with a focus on flawless execution. By allowing our clients to focus on their core competencies, we enable them to deliver high levels of performance in their businesses.Vakils brings the experience of working across Europe, Asia Pacific, Australia, Latin America, and the United States. We are the preferred partner to companies such as J&J, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Santen Pharma, and Kyowa Kirin. We are a subsidiary of Vakil & Sons Pvt. Ltd., a pioneer in the printing and publishing business.Specialties: Digital Media, Packaging Artwork, Regulatory Services, and Financial Reporting

eDetailing Premedia services web development Pre press
Details about Vakils Premedia
Frequently Asked Questions about Anup Singh
Anup Singh currently works for Vakils Premedia.
Anup Singh's role at Vakils Premedia is IT Support Technician.
Anup Singh's email address is *** To view Anup Singh's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Anup Singh works in the Printing industry.
Anup Singh's colleagues at Vakils Premedia are Chakradhary Mittapelly, Ganesh Mane, Anagha Surve, Rohan Parab, Ranjit Choudhary, Sanket Indalkar, Priyanka Waool and others.
Anup Singh's phone number is N/A
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