INQUDE is an innovation delivery company. With experience and expertise in a wide array of software applications, we deliver the best of technology in Web, Mobile, Facial Recognition, Membership and Event Management, and Consulting.Gumpu: One stop membership management for organizations. With capabilities to spin off your organization within 5 minutes and less than a dollar per member Gumpu makes itself a choice of Membership. With Gumpu Events, Donations, Virtual Conferences, Polls, Surveys, RSVPs all needs of an organizaztion come bundled over web and mobile.InquFace : A Face Identification as Authentication, Authorization, and Person Identification platform. This platform would enable registering face once on the platform and enable face recognition services in multiple applications built over the platform without having to register again. The platform would also enable adding unknown identities to be recognized by video stream applications.Eventiplex: Provides a complete web and mobile solution to build your event, showcase, manage with ease and keep the Participants and Organizers engaged in an everlasting relationship. The solution is offered for Higher education, Medical and community connect domains. The product has already been deployed across 10+ events across the US.Inpatient Tracker: Architected, developed in collaboration with experienced medical practitioners to provide an efficient solution for easy-to-use, reliable cost-effective charge captures mobile application to reduces the Physicians time and save thousands of dollars in missed billings. The product is available in the Apple Store and will also be available on Google store sooner.