DIFCO2 is an international company specialized in dry ice manufacturing and services. We are the leading dry ice company in the MENA region, providing three main elements; Dry Ice production facilities, services through dry ice blasting, and technical "know-how", which supports our affirmation towards the total solutions application.Since our inception as the first company in Egypt to start the manufacturing and distribution of dry ice to the market, our growth and success has become a testament to the hard work and dedication from our dynamic team.We present our services for organizations that value quality and look for the most effective techno-economical solutions utilizing the state of the art technologies. Our vision is to implement the value-added cleaning process to all the industries we operate in by making the cleaning process more time efficient, avoiding dismantling activities, and minimizing the hazards on all industry elements.A few of the industries we work with include Oil & Gas, Electrical, Food & Beverage, Petrochemicals, Printing, Plastics, Paper Manufacturing, Locomotive, Maintenance & Overhauling, etc.