Bowsy is an integrated remote working platform that connects university students with global businesses, in a bid to replace traditional part-time student work with remote tasks and projects that are related to their field of study. The platform solves several problems for both employers and students and reinvents both how companies manage their talent pipeline and how students earn a living. Bowsy replaces a high cost, theoretical recruitment process in large corporations with a practice-oriented one. It also provides small and medium-sized companies facing resource shortages access to a skilled, low cost and flexible student workforce.Bowsy represents an opportunity for employers to replace ineffective resumes and assessment centres which have not changed since the 1950s and to evaluate potential talent based on actual observed performance and cultural fit. Through remote flexible tasks and projects, employers can work with an exponentially higher number of students at a lower cost whilst addressing the graduate skills gap through study-related work experience. The Bowsy platform provides students equal access to employment opportunities irrespective of their physical location or educational background. It also counters the negative impact of working in traditional part-time jobs on a student's academic performance.