Primary services provided by GS include: customized innovative long term extended payment export/trade financing and project financing packages, including unique cross border leasing programs. We also utilize sovereign government issued notes and a variety of financial vehicles (through GS's own investor base and global financial resources) and are certified Export-Import Bank experts. We structure (developing proactive program), negotiate and satisfy (liquidate), on a non-recourse basis, direct/indirect offsets and countertrade. GS provides various services to sovereign government ministries including advisory services for countertrade and offsets, buyer financing, sourcing of products and services as well as investment. They develop export controls and licensing strategies and solutions; garner diplomatic and political support (through our extraordinary relationships) to ensure the exporting country's government as well as buying country is fully supporting the sale/purchase; marketing analysis by country and region; strategic alliances, mergers, acquisitions and divestitures (including leveraged buy-outs); seminars on doing business globally and international finance; overseas investment advisory and a variety of merchant/investment banking support services.