SPARK is a full-service marketing company comprised of our region's best marketers who have come together because they recognize an opportunity for a different kind of agency: one that fully understands both offline and online marketing, one who fully understands how to marry strategy with creativity, and one who fully understands their clients. We're SPARK. We see things differently.Being good is simply no longer enough. Technologies are ever-changing. Audiences are fragmented. Resources are finite. Your brand is no longer yours. It is everyone's. There is no status quo. The only constant is change. To survive you need new perspectives on old problems. Winning is staying ahead of an ever-changing world. The only form of sustainable market leadership is thought leadership. Most agencies claim to be different. SPARK is. We defend that in everything we do. We challenge conventional thinking. We don't use the word "can't." And we never do things "just because that's how they've always been done." What we do has to work. Your success depends on it. We take that very seriously. We employ some of the nicest, smartest, most enthusiastic and hard working people you will ever meet. We have come together because we love what we do, we are passionate about great marketing, and we want to bring that to you.