Manva stands for something that comes out straight from your heart. It also happens to be a portmanteau of the names of two very important people behind this initiative, Manish and Apoorva. So at Manva, we take cognizance of the ever-changing choices of the people to design and curate most fashionable products that suit their need. Since Manva is a heartfelt endeavor we seek to preserve the environment while upping the fashion paradigm. Clothes are a significant part of our everyday life but their mass production has several detrimental effects on the health of the ecosystem. We incorporate the 3R's of Reduce Reuse and Recycle to deliver best quality product adapted to suit the evolving Indian woman's preferences. For this we recycle the synthetic fabric instead of dumping it, thus doing away with the need for manufacturing synthetic fabrics and dyeing it. Both these processes lead to immense levels of pollution of air and water.That brings us to the 3 pillars of our brand Manva which are Society, Style and Sustainability.