manager, data and evaluation at National Clinician Consultation Center - Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
The National Clinician Consultation Center (NCCC), based out of the University of California, San Francisco and located in San Francisco General Hospital, provides guidance to health care providers nationally on behalf of the Health Resources and Services Administration AETC Program. For nearly 30 years, the NCCC has established itself nationally as a no-cost, consultation and educational resource that helps clinicians of all experience levels provide evidence-informed care. NCCC promotes delivery of high-quality care via promotion of best clinical practices using realistic, patient-centered approaches. This includes consultation on questions about HIV antiretroviral medications, drug resistance, testing, and HIV/HCV co-infection through the HIV/AIDS Warmline; care of HIV‐positive pregnant women and their infants through the Perinatal HIV Hotline; initiation of pre-exposure prophylaxis as an HIV prevention option on the PrEPline; preventing and managing behavioral health and/or substance use disorders through the Substance Use Warmline; and screening, staging and treatment of hepatitis C through the HEPline. To learn more, visit www.nccc.ucsf.eduThe Clinician Consultation Center's mission is to improve patient health outcomes by building the capacity of healthcare providers through expert clinical consultation and education.