board of directors, secretary | community capital of vermont, inc
We provide flexible business financing to Vermont's diverse small businesses.At Community Capital, we provide flexible financing to Vermonters with excellent ideas, and the courage and resourcefulness to grow small businesses. We offer small or microbusiness loans to people statewide who do not otherwise have access to capital. Through our Business Advisory Services program, we ensure borrowers' success through technical assistance in the areas of marketing and business operations. Community Capital supports early stage and microentrepreneurs as they build sales, experience and credit.Flexible Business Financing: We offer varying loan rates and terms, seasonal payments, and post-loan support to people who lack credit or collateral to qualify for traditional bank loans.Pre- & Post-Loan Support: Preparing for a loan, and then using the funds effectively is the foundation for long-term business success. From inquiry through repayment, we offer Business Advisory Services technical assistance to ensure post-loan success.