International Ambassador at Nordic World Health Organization Simulation - NorWHO - Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark
NorWHO is an international conference which is held in the UN City in Copenhagen, once a year in August. The UN-city is one of the regional headquarters for the united nation in Europe, and this authentic venue creates the ideal atmosphere for a WHO simulation, which is also the main purpose of this activity.The NorWHO event simulates the debating and decision-making processes surrounding the annual World Health Assembly of the WHO by incorporating several key aspects of the real-world meeting into an exciting five-day program. The simulation is based around regional meetings, plenary sessions and lobbying, while there is also time for international lectures and workshops which develop individual diplomacy skills and the participants' knowledge on global health. The participants adopt roles as delegates of UN Member States and set about negotiating and debating their way through various sessions of the meeting, mindful at all times of the competing interests of NGOs and other third-parties (also played by participants), who lobby for their own ends. Ultimately, delegates work toward reaching a resolution that will put to the vote in the final session. The NorWHO conference develops every year, as it continuously gains more participants and bigger keynote speakers. However, the essence of the NorWHO conference repeats itself every year, as the ultimate goal of the conference is to create a training platform where students from all over the world can gather and learn to discuss international health policy within an international environment.NorWHO is an activity created by the student organization International Medical Coorporation Committee (IMCC).