is a one-stop shop for your everyday household needs at the lowest possible prices. Save up to 80% by buying at wholesale prices and have the convenience of shopping online at anytime from anywhere. Save money, save time and see our specials listed daily. Don't miss out Subscribe today! or send us a mail on ( The team at have an ambition to source and deliver a fantastic range of groceries to the Emirates at the lowest possible prices.With over 1000 products (and growing), we have all the stuff you need. From your favourite everyday essentials to all the hard to find specialty items. And we're always adding products, so in time you'll never have to go anywhere else.Shopping online beats waiting in line any day, paying for parking, carrying the heavy groceries. With there are No lines. No heavy baAK. No driving. Just a store designed with you in mind, for the way you want to shop.Your groceries will be packed on the same day and you should expect to receive it in 1 business daysafter your order is shipped from our warehouse. We are currently only open to Dubai deliveries.