Whenever it is thought about learning yoga in India, the first thing coming to minds is ashrams which have been an integral part of the Indian society reflecting the culture and tradition of India. One can't also deny that ashrams are comprehended as part of Hinduism, integrated with the ritual setup of the Hindu religion. Many times it is wrongly perceived that yoga has much to do with the religion, whereas yoga has nothing to do with the religion nor it speaks or reflects any religious ideas.To be very clear and precise yoga is one of the six schools of Indian Philosophy [Sat Darshanas] which tries to explain the existence of life in a more scientific way. It explores both the body and mind at all levels allowing one to dwell deep into the higher levels of consciousness. Therefore we believe that to take the experience of learning yoga beyond the boundaries of religion it is important to make all the teachings more experiential than mythological, though the experience of knowing the divine varies from person to person. To make the learning of yoga more simple Geetha Foundation has decided to work beyond the ashram concept of yoga. All these years we have been working on various lost philosophies of Indian tradition and finally we have come out with the concept "Geetha Yoga".Geetha Foundation's new form of yoga , Geetha Yoga would work with tantra as the base, which is the mother of most philosophies including yoga. Apart from this we have taken lots of ideas from the ancient Tamil philosophies like "Saiva Siddanta" to make this work better. In what way this is different from other forms of already existing thousands of yoga's is a natural question. The simple answer is most forms of traditional yoga speaks about the self being pure or holy to enter into learning yoga, where as we believe anybody who has the will, even if it's a criminal has the right to know about good spirituality.