For over 15 years , ARCAIR shareholders are active in Cooker Hood Research and Development related job, in 201 , ARCAIR formally established with the ambition to make cooker hood the ART of AIRVENTILATION, target to service worldwide customers by Innovation Quality Patent support products . Together with Co Design partner , ARCAIR keep launching innovative products to our partnership customer , same time , ARCAIR tied up with German Lab to do the product lifetime test to ensure all products ranges are in the latest safety requirement to the worldwide . Ranking among the TOP No. 5 cooker hood manufacturing /Exporter , ARCAIR keep investing in R&D and Automation production Iine, with the help of Robot Polishing, Robot Welding, Robot Motor Housing Assembly, our products are high satisfied by our customers. In early 2019 , ARCAIR launched the PATENT PLASMA system to the market in order to offer a good solution for the Kitchen Ordor and Improve the Kitchen Indoor AIR quality. Till to now , ARCAIR get 95 worldwide Patent and we keep doing more, in 2018, our new Laboratory certified by DEKRA are in fully use assisting us to do more quality innovation products , now total production capacity are 800000 pcs/year .