APRMI is committed to providing our clients with exceptional cultural and paleontological resource services. We have over 25 years of experience in the environmental consulting industry. Our staff works to meet all local, state, and federal resource regulations at minimal impact to our clients.Our MissionWe strive to provide the best science possible through careful collection, documentation, and processing of field data.We will provide our clients and lead agencies with readable, scientifically relevant Cultural Resource reports.We will be sensitive to the needs of the client, lead agencies, and to the Native American community while upholding all local, state, and federal laws.Our goal is to protect and preserve cultural resources and to provide liaison between all parties.Our standard will be to provide our employees with the best work environment, knowledge, and resources possible. We pride ourselves on being one of the only firms in Southern California qualified for both archaeology (Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards) and paleontology (Society of Vertebrate Paleontology).Our Services:ArchaeologyLiterature Reviews, Records Search, and Archival ResearchLaboratory Analysis and curation preparationNative American ConsultSection 106, Agency and SHPO ConsultationNEPA, CEQA, NHPA consultationTS/MND/EIR/EIS and other technical reportsMOA and FOEMitigation and Treatment PlansPhase I Survey and AssessmentsPhase II and III ExcavationsMonitoring, Emergency Monitoring, and MitigationConstruction Worker Environmental Awareness Program (WEAP) PaleontologyLiterature Reviews, Records Search, and Archival ResearchSurvey and AssessmentFossil ExcavationsMonitoring and MitigationMatrix SamplingSalvage (Fossil Recovery)Laboratory Analysis and Fossil IdentificationTS/MND/EIR/EIS and other technical reports GeologySoil Descriptions and LithologyStratigraphic Columns