The CLASS vision is to lead educational innovation in online learning spaces by reshaping learners' learning skills and practices to multiperspective integration of their knowledge(s). CLASS is a learner-centered, transformative, collaborative, and disruptive online learning platform with the mission of connecting inspiring and radical educators with curious learners anytime, anywhere, around the world. When learning is engaging, interactive, and all stakeholders are engaged partners in the educational process, learning becomes more than just the transfer of knowledge and competitiveness—it becomes liberatory and active in the learner's day-to-day lived experiences. CLASS is a shared educational experience imbued with possibility thinking for 21st-century learners. We are parents, educators, and entrepreneurs with a combined background and expertise in education, engineering, analytics, and machine learning. We embrace flexible and customized online learning to fit individual learning styles and lifestyles. Our educators are original thinking professors and subject experts. They design and collaborate learning materials with our cutting-edge technology platform for education. Change your CLASS to our global community for a richer understanding of what you are curious to learn, anytime, anywhere.