Meaning "to life" in Latin. Our proprietary medical treatments will help put you on a new path to well-being and beauty. We specialize in programs that enhance your life. Advitam has spent multiple years honing its craft and perfecting delivery of its proprietary medical programs in order to yield optimal results. As the programs took off and interest surged we realized that it wasn't enough to just provide the medications.In order to adequately and safely monitor patients, we developed multiple sophisticated systems and protocols to track patients' progress, medication ordering, laboratory monitoring and more. With no known or prior developed models in the marketplace to guide us, we built our custom infrastructure from the ground up. Now with years of hard work and a robust operating system in place, we are ready to unveil what we've built and help others to get started by leveraging the years of work and experience we cultivated.Reach out to become a patient or to learn more about becoming an exclusive partner!