Azienda certificata ISO9001 ICIM - IQNET Sika is specialized in the production of "custom made" cold roll formed profiles. Customers' specific requests and ideas are transformed into customised design and finally into real metal sections to be used for fabricating products belonging exclusively to the Customers' invention. In December 2010 Sika incorporated Serconsult Srl, an engineering Company which has been exporting all over the world roll forming machines and complete lines for sheet metal working since 1969. The combination of their experiences has allowed Sika to be in strong command of a high level of technology used for the cold roll-forming. High quality standards are the leading features of all its products. Sika è specializzata nella produzione di profilati a freddo su disegno cliente. In altre parole Sika realizza idee e concretizza i progetti dei propri clienti: in ogni progetto interviene con la tecnologia ed esperienza per creare in acciaio inox, rame, bronzo, acciaio zincato o semplicemente decapato, il profilo speciale che appartiene solo a chi lo ha disegnato e prodotto.