Financial Planner at גרופ מדנס קפיטל - Group Madanes Capital - Tel Aviv-Yafo, Tel Aviv District, Israel
Co-Founder, CEO and Financial planner - ×× ×"× ××ת×× × ×ª פ×× × ×¡×ת
Madanes Capital Group" (Pension Insurance Agency 2013 Ltd.) is a boutique company providing holistic financial planning and capital management and acting as the financial arm of "Madanes" Insurance Agency Ltd.The new financial world has created a complex economic reality! The blessing of a long life brings with it an enormous challenge requiring us to plan and make important decisions in real time, especially at the critical junctions of our lives, such as at retirement. A change in status in accompanied by very significant changes, both in terms of money management and taxes. Holistic financial planning is a comprehensive and continuous method of managing financial and pension assets, creating pre-planned economic solutions appropriate for the changing needs of the client."Madanes Capital" serves doctors, business organizations, kibbutzim and other private customers.The Company specializes in holistic financial planning combining the consideration of the needs and goals of the client and all of the financial and pension assets that have accumulated over the years. (Financial assets are shekel and foreign currency deposits as well as Israeli and foreign equities while pension assets are pension funds, directors insurance policies, provident funds, etc.). The Company creates an economic strategy dynamically adjusting to fit the goals and personality of the client and ensures that these assets will serve the defined needs of the client in the best possible manner.Financial planning is conducted by expert financial planners possessing wide knowledge and many years of experience working in the various financial fields: pension / provident and continuing education / capital market investment / taxation at retirement / risk management. At the same time, they respect the principles of "loyalty to the customer's needs" and "interest congruence.""Financial planning is worth a fortune to you!"