Programador informático at Healthy Company - Gentofte Kommune, Region Hovedstaden, Denmark
What we believe in:We believe that health, safety and welfare are three areas that are closely linked. Thus we are of conviction that an effort that intends to promote for instance health should take safety and welfare into consideration.What we want:We strive to make health, safety and welfare at Danish workplaces a priority for both the individual employee as well as upper management.What we do:We work integrated with employee health, safety and welfare. This integrated effort enables us to identify essential connections between these 3 areas of great importance for employee development and performance.This integration allows our customers to move from working symptom driven to work with the actual causes instead. In other words, they find out from what is causing the problem and how it can be solved.Ultimately we make the "soft " areas more business driven by integrating financial measurement instruments. It ensures the involvement of all layers of management and makes nice-to-have to need-to-have.We specialize in anchoring effects, which increases the yield.Vi har specialiseret os i forankring af effekterne. Det giver udbytte igennem flere år.