The Newzzap team is made up of leading figures in technology and media who have joined together to take back the power of the media and put it into the hands of the people. We believe every individual has the power to influence the global agenda. We are revolutionizing the news industry by merging the latest technology with news gathering know-how. Newzzap offers a simple-to-use app that gives smartphone users the ability to shoot and send live video, and potentially earn money from publicized news items. We distribute video to major media outlets as well as share the video with the world's favorite social networks including Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. Founded by the crème-de-la-crème of technology gurus and news gathering pros, Newzzap researches, spots and analyzes real-time breaking news events and locates mobile journalists (MoJos) to deliver near real-time video from the most remote corners of the globe. Our mission is to inflate truth back into mainstream media by allowing every citizen the chance to be a Newzzap MoJo and tell whole stories through their video. Share your MoJo message and Occupy the News! We are in our Beta period, help us test our system by downloading our free app from here: