WHO?Opus, Is the result of a great creative effort. It encompasses the creative process and our role as director, or 'composer'. "we are the composers of relevant, marketableand sustainable brands"Each project, campaign, and brand initiative is a composition carefully orchestrated in terms of message, identity, market value and design. You satisfy the need, we tell the story.We take a holistic approach to each initiative by evaluating and planning for the lifecycle of the brand. Sustainability is more than just awareness, it is the deliberate and logical evolution of the product or service lifespan. WHY? Today's marketplace is more competitive than ever, giving consumers less boundaries and a broader purchasing landscape. "we live in a dynamic marketplace that exists both online and offline" The digital age has provided the consumer with entry points in both electronic and static worlds. As such, marketing directives must adapt to the consumers lifestyle, independent of the marketplace. Our approach to the brand message and story is synergistic; achieved through consistency, repetition and balance.Reaching the customer means understanding where they are, who they are, and what they need. At Opus Brand Strategies, we strive to reveal product and service differentiation and marketability through thought provoking messaging, target marketing and great design.Concept, strategic positioning, and consumer trends, are just a few of the tools that we use to communicate with the consumer and create brand awareness. We can create a total brand solution that is not only consumer friendly, but is also relevant, and sustainable.