'MODOR - Smart Systems' is a company concentrating on development, sales and services of data logging systems and monitoring systems within Logistics and Industry.Logging of data is an advanced tool to measure,store and send information to persons to inform them about the status of their product/equipment during transportation, handling and storage.Robust data loggers (sensors) are firmly fixed to the product or packing and measure continuously their environment.Different paramaters can be selected and recorded e.g.: location, position, shocks, vibrations, tilt & roll, pressure, temperature, humidity, altitude, light and flooding. Especially for rotating equipment, medical devices, high value products and electrical equipment the tracking and knowledge of the product status is very valuable. This enables the responsable persons to make the best and fast decisions in case of readings outside set parameters. In case of damaged goods the location, date, time and level of impact can be pin pointed and actions can be taken to answer questions relating to liability and quality assurance.Data can be monitored and alarms can be set on smart phones, tablets and desktops via GPRS, GSM, CDMA, Bluetooth or USB.Systems are capable to send (real time) data to pre-selected devices (persons). Alarms can be send to devices for emergency purposes.We serve packaging development companies, equipment suppliers, warehouses, distibution centres, transportation companies, end-users, insurance companies and engineering firms.With our Services we can advise and support our customers regarding selection of best fit data logging system, choice of parameters and sensors, location and mounting of sensors on product or packing, supply pedestals or baseplates for data logger mounting, setting of parameters, advise and support with the interpretation of readings, set-up of monitoring systems (Internet of Things).