GUERIN ASSOCIATES is a consulting firm specializing in facilities management and real estate. We provide independent, third-party business intelligence to numerous leading companies. GA clients are decision-makers who want impartial, "apples to apples" cost comparisons with similar firms. We confirm their strengths, identify improvement opportunities, and help them achieve significant cost savings and service enhancements. Each project is tailored to the client's unique situation, utilizing a custom blend of consulting services, such as:Benchmarking - Audits tailored to a client's facility, location, organization, culture and data. Scopes of study range from individual building services to global real estate portfolios. Best Practices - Operations analysis to diagnose problems, assess staff and vendor inputs, and streamline business processes.Business Improvement - Support for organizational change, and transformation to an accountable, performance-based culture.GA offers highly professional, individualized service. Our reports are exceptionally clear, thanks to dynamic visual management methodologies, such as the Guerin Square and Guerin Prism.Our core values are Innovation, Insight and Integrity . . . values that have produced positive results for our clients since 1996. We can help you achieve your own business and professional goals. Our vision is simple:To help organizations attain world class performanceby acquiring best practices