Internet marketing company ATM Virtual, Inc. has redefined network marketing online. With the introduction of its latest adult money making opportunity, While other network marketing companies fail using old school techniques, we have prevailed because of our internet marketing experience. Long gone are the days of spending your own money on acquiring leads. Pleasure Builder creates and offers free, live qualified leads to our VIP associates virtually eliminating the high pressure and door-to-door sales aspect Because of our in-house traffic and high-demand products adding a live leads generator was a no brainer.Internet marketing Guru Roger Vadocz says, "We are very excited about adding our ingenious idea the Live lead generator which is a full multi chat, video and audio for our VIP associates to network with new prospects on pleasure builder is the missing link in online network marketing I'm sure many other internet based network marketing companies will follow our lead."Finally, the online business opportunity everyone has waited for is here. is a 100% turnkey Internet Multi-Level Marketing business opportunity allowing anyone to break in to the lucrative adult entertainment industry.Exciting, innovative and fun, for the first time effectively fuses the billion-dollar adult entertainment industry with MLM business opportunities. Sex sells. Adult entertainment is the most lucrative industry online and MLM business opportunities are all the rage in a weak economy. Savvy entrepreneurs will choose pleasure builder as an easy way to stake their is a 100% turnkey entertainment multi-level business opportunity," said Vadocz. "There is no other turnkey MLM website business that offers as much as pleasure builder, nor is there one as robust and affordable for everyone."For more information, or to become a member, visit