Armando Diaz

Digital Media Specialist at AppHarvest - Morehead, KY, US

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Armando Diaz's Company Details
AppHarvest logo, AppHarvest contact details


Morehead, KY, US • 250 - 499 Employees

AppHarvest is a sustainable food company in Appalachia developing and operating some of the world’s largest high-tech indoor farms with robotics and artificial intelligence to build a reliable, climate-resilient food system. AppHarvest’s farms are designed to grow produce using sunshine, rainwater and up to 90% less water than open-field growing, all while producing yields up to 30 times that of traditional agriculture and preventing pollution from agricultural runoff. AppHarvest currently operates its 60-acre flagship farm in Morehead, Ky., producing tomatoes, a 15-acre indoor farm for salad greens in Berea, Ky., a 30-acre farm for strawberries and cucumbers in Somerset, Ky., and a 60-acre farm in Richmond, Ky., for tomatoes. The four-farm network consists of 165 acres under glass. AppHarvest is a public benefit corporation and a Certified B Corp.

Indoor Farming Sustainable Agriculture Controlled Environment Agriculture Agricultural Technologies
Details about AppHarvest
Frequently Asked Questions about Armando Diaz
Armando Diaz currently works for AppHarvest.
Armando Diaz's role at AppHarvest is Digital Media Specialist.
Armando Diaz's email address is *** To view Armando Diaz's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Armando Diaz works in the Agriculture industry.
Armando Diaz's colleagues at AppHarvest are Paige Evans, William Reedy, Kurt Belter, Cade Slater, Chad Riley, Jason Paquette, Brian Keltner and others.
Armando Diaz's phone number is null
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