Armela Cruz-Aguirre

Accounting Coordinator at Xerxes Incorporated - Edmonton, AB, US

Armela Cruz-Aguirre's Contact Details
Xerxes Incorporated
Armela Cruz-Aguirre's Company Details
Xerxes Incorporated logo, Xerxes Incorporated contact details

Xerxes Incorporated

Edmonton, AB, US • 250 - 499 Employees

Since Shawcor's acquisition of ZCL | Xerxes in April 2019, we have experienced the strength of our shared values of integrity and excellence. To reflect the seamless integration of these two brands and cultures, we are announcing a new name and logo for our fiberglass tank product line: Xerxes by Shawcor. This rebranding reflects the origins of the Xerxes brand, and how integral our product line of tanks is to the future of Shawcor Ltd.We offer underground and aboveground tank options that can be used for a variety of applications including storage of fuel/petroleum, potable water, wastewater and hazardous chemicals.Please visit the Shawcor page for more information and updates.

Petroleum Storage Tanks Underground and Aboveground Storage Tanks for Water Applications including Water Conservation Fire Protection Potable Water Grease Interceptors Oil/Water Separators B2B Plastic/Rubber Plastics Products Nec Plastics
Details about Xerxes Incorporated
Frequently Asked Questions about Armela Cruz-Aguirre
Armela Cruz-Aguirre currently works for ZCL Composites.
Armela Cruz-Aguirre's role at ZCL Composites is Accounting Coordinator.
Armela Cruz-Aguirre's email address is *** To view Armela Cruz-Aguirre's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Armela Cruz-Aguirre works in the Plastics industry.
Armela Cruz-Aguirre's colleagues at Xerxes Incorporated are Mohinder Kang, Hemant PATEL, Guillaume Fauteux, Arman Ariane, Rick Whately, Jim Anderson, Greg Carty and others.
Armela Cruz-Aguirre's phone number is 502-473-8811
See more information about Armela Cruz-Aguirre