In France, more than 20 million emergency visits a year, almost half of which could be managed outside emergencies. The number of emergency visits, which has doubled in twenty years, will continue to increase as the population ages, chronic diseases increase while the number of physicians decreases. This saturation creates a double penalty: 1) for the patients: discontent and discomfort perceived as patients due to the long waiting times as well as to the risks of induced accidents. 2) for the practitioners: this situation increases the risk of medical errors and uses the nursing staff (absenteeism, turn-over in growth). When a single doctor has to treat ten patients simultaneously, he is overexposed and works permanently on the razor's edge, and the risk of accident is not negligible. Extome offers a dual intelligent solution that promotes self-organization of practitioners and patients. It is based on a continuous learning system to anticipate disruptive situations and thus propose a resource alignment well in advance (thanks to artificial intelligence methods and optimization algorithms) and to reduce the time required waiting (via upstream referrals by intelligent assistants). The effectiveness and accuracy of extome grow according to the number of people who adopt it. Extome initiates a first step towards a responsible and sustainable health system for all.