NHO Transport is affiliated to the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO).•NHO Transport represents about 130 bus, coach, tram, metro and taxi companies•Our members have nearly 20 000 employees, 7800 buses and coaches•Our members carry out more than 90 percent of Norway's public transport by bus and tram/metro.•The member companies range from large multi-national transport operators to small family businesses.•NHO Transport represents our members as an employers' and trade association for passenger transport companies.•NHO Transport aims to generate the most favourable framework conditions possible for our member companies by maintaining a good working relationship with both national and regional political authorities and public administration.•NHO Transport acts as an advocate and promoter of public transport.•NHO Transport engages in collective bargaining and offers legal advise in matters concerning labour legislation and wage agreements.•NHO Transport is a member of UITP (The International Association of Public Transport) and IRU (The International Road Transport Union).